Legal information
General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

Few words about GTC

Document Overview

The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of Resilient Shield Consulting establish the rules and guidelines governing the contractual relationship between the company and its clients.
This legal document outlines the provision of consulting and training services in the fields of risk management, crisis management, business continuity, organizational resilience, and cybersecurity.

Purpose and Use of the Document

The GTC serve to ensure mutual understanding between Resilient Shield Consulting and its clients regarding the scope of services, respective obligations, and financial conditions.
They specify:

  • The obligations of both the provider and the client,
  • The terms of ordering and payment,
  • Intellectual property rights over deliverables,
  • Confidentiality rules,
  • Termination and liability conditions.
This document provides transparency and helps prevent disputes by clearly defining the responsibilities of both parties.

Key Sections of the Document

The GTC are structured around several critical sections for the client:

  • Ordering Terms: Conditions for purchasing services and the client’s obligations.
  • Service Provider’s Obligations: Commitments regarding service quality and compliance with regulations (GDPR, DORA, NIS2).
  • Intellectual Property: Usage rights for documents, software, and methodologies developed.
  • Confidentiality: Protection of information exchanged between the client and the provider.
  • Liability and Termination: Definition of liability in case of disputes, risk limitations, and contract termination conditions.

Exceptions and Exclusions

The GTC apply by default to all services provided by Resilient Shield Consulting.
However, some exceptions may apply:

  • If a specific contract is signed, it may modify or replace certain clauses of the GTC.
  • If individual written agreements are established between the client and the provider.
  • If specific regulations apply, particularly in highly regulated sectors (e.g., financial institutions under strict supervision).
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